Contribution of groundwater quality to the industrialization of textile sector in Bangladesh.
Water is one of the most important media which profoundly influences various processes such as pre-treatment, dyeing, printing and finishing process of textile materials. Any type of contamination or impurity in water used therefore requires maximum level of purification leading to the higher cost of finished products. Groundwater quality from various industrial zones in Bangladesh was assessed to determine whether the resource was of a suitable quality for industrial use. Parameters determining the water quality such as hardness, pH, turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), alkalinity, chloride content, dissolved iron, and conductivity of collected groundwater were measured. It was found that the quality of groundwater from Gazipur and Mymensingh zones is significantly remarkable than other studied zones, while the groundwater of other zones are also suitable for the use of textile processing after mild treatment. This study based on the water quality can have also a great impact to find and set up cost effective and efficient textile and related industries in Bangladesh.
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